Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 3

Two groups started at different times. The early group planned on 6:30 AM but got out at about 7:30. The latter group planned on 8:30 but started about 9:00. It was a beautiful morning and we all started out strong. Since I was not in the early group, I can’t tell you much about them except they had lunch at Sisters Café in Confluence and arrived about 3:30 and the other group arrived at 5:15. The second group stopped at Ohiopyle to look at the (water) falls and then rode on to Confluence for lunch at 1:00 PM. We ate at the Lucky Dog Café, which is right on the trail, rather than riding into town to Sisters Café. Connellsville to Ohiopyle is a slight up grade but we were fresh. Ohiopyle to Confluence is a little flatter, while still climbing a little. From Confluence to Rockwood was more grade (reportedly only .7%) but with a longer day than the last two (supposed to be 44-45 miles) in the 84 degree temperature, after 5 hours of riding was tiring us all and we took frequent rest breaks (every 5 miles or so at the end). Apparently the mileage on the charts and maps does not include the 2 miles around the Pinkerton tunnel which is closed. The good news was, the 2 miles around the tunnel were flat, not uphill.

Some of the people are staying at the Rockwood Trail House (B&B) and some at the Gingerbread House (B&B). Carol and I are staying at the Hostel on Main. For supper we were going to the Rockwood Café but found out it is closed on Mondays. Then we were going to the Laundromat, only to find out it was out of business. AH, the joys of travel. One B&B has a laundry and our Hostel has one, so we are on “Plan B”.

"Flat Stanley" (from the Orrville Public Library-Summer Reading Program)
joined us on the trip. He "came out of hiding" on the first day, but this is the
first picture of him, in the blog. Bob and Jenny are "transporting" him and he makes an appearance, every so often. Jenny will tell about his travels, when she returns home.

This is the Bowstring Bridge, that the Ohiopyle State Park had designed
 and built, to cross the Yough River in Ohiopyle.

JD, Lee, Deb, Jenny and Bob, at the Falls in Ohiopyle.

A side view of the Bowstring Bridge.

We are on the Pinkerton High Bridge. (The Pinkerton Low Bridge
is on the other side of the tunnel straight ahead).
The "cut" and excavation just to the left, was the CSX RR's
Pinkerton Tunnel. They "day lighted" it (removed the top of the tunnel),
so they could run double stack trains (very high railroad cars)
through where the former tunnel was. (The Western Maryland RR Tunnel
is straight ahead).

CSX former tunnel to the left.
Western Maryland (now) unsafe tunnel closed.
The Great Allegheny Passage turns right and follows the river around the
"peninsula"of land, while the rock from above the CSX RR Tunnel, was dumped
above the WM tunnel and to the right in the picture.

Picture of the interior of the (unsafe) Western Maryland
RR Tunnel, as I peeked through a crack in the fence.

Second group after arriving at Rockwood. It was uphill all day.
JD, Jenny, Keith, Bob, Deb and Lee.
The other group arrived earlier.
Terrible internet service and “pictures” are still giving me fits, mostly because there is slow service here. I will quit for tonight. Should be good service in Cumberland tomorrow night.

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